Saturday, June 19, 2010

Two days ago I had a female cecropia moth emerge. I took her and the male that emerged earlier to a library program and put her out that night to attract a "wild" male. (Are there any other kind???) No luck, but last night, or rather early this morning before 6 A.M. there were at least 20+ flying wildly around my patio and in the yard. I caught 4 huge males with my hands and placed them in the bird cage. By the time I got dressed and came back out the others were gone and the pair were mating. (They will be there for about 24 hours.)
What a sight!!

I have been totally remiss about writing, but this summer I am doing many libraries in Ohio and Michigan and the theme this summer in both is Make a Splash in Reading! My story centers on the creatures of the ocean and a delightful dophin, DEEVine, and a captivating sea dragon, Macaroonitooni, who cannot find his pearl! I have not brought my other creatures (luna, polyphemus caterpillars, polyphemus moths and baby praying mantis) to the programs. I've had about three that have been the story of Jack and the Sky Place and I've taken them then.

This spring, once again, we had a big puppet theatre production at Olander Park where the kids made 2 rod puppets for the play. They made a people puppet and an animal found in the park. What a fun time we had creating the puppets, designing scenery and working on the script for the production.

I love doing workshops, but had one in Farmington Hills in early March that I will never forget.
I was just recovering from the stomach flu where I had laid low the day before. I had a library program the next day at Farmington Hills and a workshop for teachers in the afternoon. My husband did not want me to drive the 100 miles away, but I stubbornly insisted that I was better and the "show" must go on!

I fainted during the show and 3 women from the audience rushed up to seat me on a hastily collected chair! What a traumatic experience for me and the people there let out an audible cry!
I finished the show standing, even though the librarian wanted me to sit. I rested in between and by the time of the workshop I was better. This has haunted me, however, and ran into some gals at the MiAEYC conference who asked me how I was for they had heard about it!

We are heading to New Orleans within the week to attend my sister's 40th wedding anniversary. It will be great fun seeing and getting together with my sister's family.