Wednesday, January 14, 2009

January Freeze

One would think we were in the arctic with this blast of winter weather! It will be -20 degrees wind chill tonight. I have been doing shows at the zoo for the Frozentoesen Events and how appropriate is that?
I am heading to Traverse City for a great event this weekend, the baptism of my newest grandson, Gus! That region is known for snow and I expect that we'll have several inches of new snow this weekend, too.
Check my new project page, for I will be posting the activities from the Olander Theater Workshops that will culminate in a puppet production in March. We are making paper mache' birds that are spectacular!
The next two weeks will have me on the road, scary with all this frightening winter weather, for puppet shows in Michigan and workshops at the Ohio Camping Conference in Columbus. I will write about it when I get back.

Contact Joyce

As I am basically illiterate with computer knowledge on "how to do" a blog, I am adding contact information here for now.

Joyce Davis
4025 W. Laskey Rd.
Toledo, OH 43623

email through blog....