Thursday, August 27, 2009

Even though it keeps raining, is a bit on the cooler side, I am content staying at our cottage for a few days of "R&R" that rain and reading??? This summer has reconnected me with some past preschool students. In early June I received a wedding invitation from Anne, who moved to Tennessee after kindergarten and was being married in Toledo. Needless to say, that letter was a "keeper" telling me how much the preschool meant to her and lots of other kind words. Not long after that invitation came another from a former student graduating from medical college...Dr. Stacy, inviting me to her graduation party being held on the Friday night before Anne's wedding.

Both of these events were filled with hugs, familiar faces revisited and good times.
The last Saturday in June I went to Father Mike's ordination into the priesthood. I had never been to an ordination and it was truly awesome! What special young people each have become and I was honored to know them and be a part of their truly marvelous celebrations!

Cecropia, polyphemus, monarchs, hickory horned devils are but a few of the many caterpillars I am raising this summer. This has not been a good year for raising the cecropia or polyphemus, for out of nearly 80 each only 4 to 8 have survived to make cocoons.

It certainly look like fall as I gaze out over the meadows/fields surrounding our cottage. The grasshoppers are jumping, I no longer hear the cicada humming, and the wooly bear caterpillars are plentiful. It has all happened way too fast. Last night after I finished reading my book I looked out my open screen door for I felt that eyes were watching me. I looked and there was a small opossom staring back. It gave me a fright, but I got up and went to the door and CLOSED it firmly. When I looked out the window it was still there staring at me! (We have a resident raccoon, too. Maybe the two nocturnal creatures have fun watching us when we are unaware.)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

What a great summer it has been with lots of local library shows, travel to the Traverse City area for Cherry Fest activities and library shows at Interlochen and Traverse City Library. Toledo Botanical Gardens hosted the 2nd annual event of Arts Gone Wild which is sponsored by Toledo Library, Toledo Zoo, Toledo Museum, Arts Council, just to mention a few. I represented the library again this year. Last year it was held at the zoo. Next year it will be at the Museum and then the downtown library! I am hopeful that I can still be a part of that great happening in the city each August!
I enjoyed teaching about orangutans at the Toledo Zoo in August. I am now aware that the use of palm oil products is the leading cause of the elimination of forested areas for the orangutans. They were once all over Asia and are now located only in Indonesia in Bornio and Samalia.
I am delighted to be on the steering committee for the organization of Northwest Ohio's chapter of Leave No Child INSIDE! We met at Ottawa Wildlife Preserve for an inital meeting and some structuring ideas in August. Our first huge meeting will be September 11th at Olander Park in Sylvania. Sandy Gratop, naturalist, is sprearheading the group's endeavor. I am just thrilled to be a part of that. ( I did a workshop/presentation at the annual conference in Columbus last fall and discovered that we had no representation or plan here in this section of the state).
I am looking forward to Canton's AEYC Conference where I will be the keynote speaker (on using puppets) and doing a workshop, too.
Coming events for me:

  • 4 hour workshop at Cincinnati Nature Center training volunteers to use puppets!
  • conference/workshops at B.G.S.U. and Howell, MI
  • conference/workshop in Washington, D.C. at NAEYC
  • library and Toledo Museum puppet shows
  • training at KinderCare in NorthRidgeville, OH